Saturday, July 2, 2011

Finally in Cuzco!

 Hello lucky people in the 1st world!
   We finally made it to Cuzco! After a long bus ride with questionable food, we arrived here yesterday at about 7am. (To the left you´ll see a photo of Ms. B: dutifully watching our packs at the bus terminal.)  From there, we checked into our hostel and marvelled at the strange weather, which I kinda forgot existed during our time in the desert.  What is this moisture? I forget what it´s called, but its cold, drippy, and thoroughly unpleasant.
   Luckily, we are in Cuzco at the best possible time.  It´s the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Machu Picchu!*  Every five minutes random bands and floats cross through the Plaza des Armas, and every five minutes fireworks are shot off and scare the life out of us. (In the daytime... I kid you not.)  The city is gorgeous, and is beautifully decorated for the festivals taking place here within the next week.
   We´ve spent the last two days visiting museums and shopping at the huge local markets, which not only feature handmade goods, but herbs, incense, and meat I believe to have been killed five minutes prior to its appreance in the market.  Freshness is a clear priority.  Ms. B. and Olga insisted that we have this cultural experience, and I agree! (to the left you can see some of our fave souvenirs and the most appetizing food I have ever seen in my life.) These markets are amazing- and the team will rave about how amazing the fruit juice is.
   None of us really mind the change in itinerary- it´s given us a lot of new oppurtunities. We´ve tried sugarcane, purple corn juice, and went to a race car rally! We even got to meet up with another WC team from New Jersey.  We can believe that two vweeks have gone by already, and we´re excited for the trek and project phase ahead.
Before I end this post, I´d like to publish a memo for nervous parents:
You WILL NOT hear from us within the next few days, minimally.  Tomorrow morning, we leave on our trek and will not have internet access. We are not dead. We have not been abducted; these things I promise you.  Picture us cheerfully climbing beautiful snow-capped mountains and put your minds at ease. You´ll hear from us as soon as we get back to a city!

* a white guy.  I fail to understand why this is so important when Peruvians have been chilling up there for years.


ps- see our entire Cuzco album on our Picasa site- Cuzco

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